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The horseshoe

The belief of the horseshoe has been around for hundreds of years. They say the iron of horseshoe is to ward off evil spirits.the luck of the horseshoe began 969AD when st.Dunstan a blacksmith put burning hot shoes on the devil it was cruciating the devil agreed to never enter a home with a horseshoe nailed above the door. The horseshoes were also made with 7 holes. 7 being the luckiest no. In the world  also  being 7 stands for luck y things there are 7 days of the week, 7 seas, 7 continents, 7 colors of the rainbow.some say horseshoe hung with points up the luck stays in the cup to protect the home or barn. Others say with the ends down good luck pours out to those who pass under it. So try both ways to see which way works for u or have 2 one facing up and one facing down . I put real pennies on mine for extra good luck and wealth. They say the holy grail of horseshoes is the one that comes from a greymares hind feet. At the Kentucky derby museum they believe whole heartedly in the luck of the horseshoe. The 8 th century chaldauns believed the crescent shaped of the horseshoe protected against the evil eye. There are many items considered lucky example: lucky rabbits foot, 4 leaf clover, wishbone, dreamcatcher, lucky dice, and many more. These myths  or folklore has been passed down from generations. Another example Santa clause is he real or just a myth. Well tell your child he doesn't exist and see what happens. Same thing with the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy people from all cultures for hundreds of years believe in these myths.i don't see that ever changing either. People have to believe, have hope. Another strong example: God, Jesus are they real we can't see them we only know what is written down on paper so do they exist? We have to believe that they do.

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